Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Job Openings at MARS Planet : NASA Giving this opportunity

This is very interesting and shocking news to thinking about the job openings at MARS Planet. An American space agency offering job on mars and invite for recruitment at mars at various for future vacancy.
There is lots of colors poster are pasted on walls at Florida regarding job on mars planet by nasa. NASA published  posters mentioned lots of job at various professionals like Teacher, Farmer, Inspector, surveyor and also written on one poster caption "Have you ever ask the question what are the out of earth?" we have also ask the same question.

The Mars Science Laboratory and its rover centerpiece, Curiosity, is the most ambitious Mars mission yet flown by NASA. The rover's primary mission is to find out if Mars is, or was, suitable for life. Another objective is to learn more about the red planet's environment.

Written in on another poster that "Curiosity motivates us to discover new places like moon and mars"
Stroller humans like us one day  also want  to discover that what are behind the valley, volcano.
For news in hindi click:

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